DIY Fall Decor Ideas for Home

Autumn has officially become my favorite season (unless you count Christmas as its own season, and in that case, autumn would come in a close second)...

I enjoy all things autumn, the changing leaves, the crispness in the air that makes me feel alive, pumpkin-spiced anything, cozy sweaters, any excuse to wear leggings with fun boots, hiking to the summit to bask in that take-your-breath-away scenic view (one of God's many masterpieces complete with a sea of colors for our enjoyment), PSL's and chai lattes, sitting by a bonfire with a cozy blanket and roasting s'mores, and any excuse to drink spiced hot apple cider...just to name a few.

I love fall so much that we even planned a special trip this year solely around taking advantage of the breathtaking fall colors and foliage in the gorgeous New England states. Check out our trip, scenery, and some of our beautiful photos on my Travel page, 10 States in 10 Days: Fall Foliage Adventure, coming soon!

On October 31st, my husband and I rounded out the fall season with a plethora of fall activities including but not limited to enjoying a brisk autumn hike while taking in the fall foliage, carving pumpkins while listening to Halloween jams, handing out sugary treats to eager costume-clad munchkins, eating roasted pumpkins seeds, and sipping spiced hot apple cider...


We kept it mildly simple this year with decorating since we had a fun fall trip to plan, but here are a few of our favorite autumn accent pieces.

An easy way to bring in your own mix of fall colors is by painting craft pumpkins. Fall decorating doesn't just have to entail the traditional orange pumpkins anymore... The textured Rust-oleum Stone spray paint really added that extra touch I was looking to create.

For the above look, I started with a few craft (orange) pumpkins on sale at Michaels.

I then rummaged through my storage room paint stash and found some colors I could work with. Here are some of the supplies I used for this cream textured pumpkin. (FYI: Since I was in a bit of a hurry and consequently was a tad sloppy with my painting, I used the wood stain in Briarsmoke to repaint the stem since I didn't have any other brown paint around the house.)

Here's the Before & After:

Now that the pumpkins are painted, it's time to have some fun incorporating our seafoam color palette into this fall setup.

I discovered this vintage turquoise suitcase at a antique craft fair for $12 and was waiting to find the perfect place for it... I think it will now have a home in almost every holiday setup I create... The "Fall in Love" sign was in my fall bin from the year before (a HomeGoods find for $6 on clearance from the previous year). The floral arrangements included a few different faux stems from Michaels. The basket was another fun find at Michaels for 70% off.

This cream vintage dresser (originally a mustard yellow color) is one of the many pieces of furniture I've given a makeover. Check out more furniture transformations on my Furniture Makeover page.

"Fall In Love" Sign: HomeGoods

Dresser: Repurposed Piece

Suitcase: Vintage Craft Fair, NC

Flowers: Michaels

Metal Basket: Michaels

Pumpkins: Michaels

Paint for Pumpkins: Home Depot & Lowes
Easel: No Clue... (Hidden Gem from years ago)

I also tried the fall setup on our little card table (another piece that has had a Furniture Makeover).

If you haven't seen my other Fall Decor Ideas post, check it out for a few fall-themed front porch ideas.

Thanks for reading! Check out my "Christmas Decorating" page as well as "Decorating for the Other Holidays" page for even more ideas, inspiration!